How to Choose the Right Wood Preservatives for Your Log Cabin?

With so many people saying that log homes are no-fuss properties to maintain and others saying that they take much work to keep, there are lots of misconceptions about how to properly care for these traditional homes. Regardless of what you may have heard about log home upkeep, the most important thing you should remember to ensure its longevity is proper wood preservation. Log home maintenance mainly revolves around correct upkeep and preservation of wood and timber, especially since these are materials that are susceptible to all kinds of outside elements and natural forces. The good news for those who want to take advantage of the rustic ambiance of a log home is that there are many wood preservative products that are specially designed to make log home upkeep a lot easier and more manageable.

Ideally, wood preservation should begin before log home construction even commences and reapplication of wood preservative products should continue on a regular basis for the entire life of the log home. The question remains, which products should you choose to ensure the quality of treatment? The best answer to this is to choose a wood preservative that combats wood’s greatest enemies—water, sunlight, wind, and pests. Of these, the greatest threat to wood’s quality and structural integrity is water or moisture.

Water being the primary enemy of wood quality, promotes the growth of mold and mildew. It attracts more fungal presence and attracts pests and insects—all of which are detrimental to the structure of wood. This is why when choosing the right wood preservative products for your log cabin, you want to look for those that are specially formulated to combat these elements, all the while ensuring low toxicity and VOC content so as to protect not only the wood’s quality, but also your home’s air quality during and well after application.


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